Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Growing up, I have fond memories of decorating the tree with my family while sipping on Egg Nog. I want Nicholas and Abbie to have memories like that, too. So, we all decorated the tree together this year. It was fun to tell them stories about each ornament as we placed it on the tree. Our ornaments range from hand made gifts, to store bought, to hand made by me when I was a child. Nicholas really enjoyed the ones with his name or picture the most! Abbie just liked holding the ornaments and taking them OFF the tree. I guess there is always next year....

1 comment:

Brandi said...

It's so good to see updates. I was gonna call you tomorrow and see how everything was since it'd been a while for updates. Hope things are slowing down for you.